FusionForge helps you manage the entire development life cycle
FusionForge has tools to help your team collaborate, like message forums and mailing lists; tools to create and control access to Source Code Management repositories like CVS and Subversion. FusionForge automatically creates a repository and controls access to it depending on the role settings of the project.
Additional Features:
Manage File Releases.
Document Management.
News announcements.
Surveys for users and admins.
Issue tracking with "unlimited" numbers of categories, text fields, etc.
Task management.
Wiki (using MediaWiki or phpWiki).
A powerful plugin system to add new features.
What's new in FusionForge 5.0
Many improvements to the trackers: configurable display, workflow management, links between artifacts, better searches, and more
Rewritten SCM subsystem, with new plugins for Bazaar, Darcs and Git
New version of Mediawiki plugin, providing independent wikis for each project
Various new plugins: projectlabels, globalsearch, extratabs
An in-depth rewrite of the theme for better accessibility and XHTML conformance
What's new in FusionForge 4.8
New project classification by tags (tag cloud).
New reporting item for the File Release System: downloads per package.
List of all projects added in Project List
New version of phpWiki plugin, using lastest svn code
What's new in FusionForge 4.7
A new name to avoid confusion with proprietary versions of GForge.
Support for PHP5.
Support for PostgreSQL 8.x.
Translations are now managed by gettext.
Support for several configurations running on the same code.
Improved security, no need for PHP register_globals.